There is no simply way to remove delusions. They cannot be extracted surgically.
They have to be recognized , and then, through the practice of these teachings,
they can be gradually reduced and then completely eliminated.
These teachings offer the means to free oneself from delusion---a path that
eventually leads to freedom from all suffering and to the bliss of englightenment.
The more one comes to understand the Dhaema, or Buddhist teachings, the weaker
will be the grip of pride, hatred, greed, and other negative emotions that cause so
much suffering. Shakysmuni, the sage of the Shakya clan, achieved complete
enlightenment (he seated in meditation under a tree in a place called Bodh Gaya in
northern India). He gave myriad(無數) teachings designed to suit our diverse interests
dispositions(性情,氣質 temperament) .
Because of the cause-and-effect relation between our action and our experiences,
we spend our lives enduring all sorts ofups and downs, in trouble and confusion.
To be totally free from the weight of past
deeds and from the thralldom朿縛 of desire, hatred, and ignorance is called liberation,
or nirvana. When we are able to eliminate delusion and karma by realizing the
natural purity of the mind, total peace follows and we gain compelete freedom from
the cycle of suffering.
Our future is determined by our present state of mind, but our present state of
mind is overrun by delusions. Unable to achieve enlightenment and to gain
freedom from rebirth, we should at least plant the seeds for a favorable rebirth
in the next life, withou falling into lower realms of existence. So that hearing and
practicing the Dharma is a must opportunity.